8.01 Number and Organization
The Federation shall have such number of Branches as determined by the Board from time to time. Such Branches may be organized in accordance with this By-law by any individuals, groups, area or Province in Canada with the consent of the Board.
8.02 Application and Recognition
Any individuals, groups, area or Province in Canada wishing to apply for recognition by the Federation as a Branch shall make written application therefore to the Board of the Federation in accordance with the process and requirements established by Operating Policy.
8.03 Rights and Responsibilities
(a) Each Branch will comply with the Articles and By-laws of the Federation, and to operate in conformity with the purposes and objectives of the Federation.
(b) Each Branch shall operate on a basis covering the groups, areas, or Provinces assigned by the Board of the Federation to the Branch concerned, and to attempt to procure membership in the Federation from every person eligible within the territory of the Branch.
8.04 Branch Administration
Each Branch may be administered by an executive committee, in which case it is provided that:
(a) Each Branch shall provide the national office with the current names of its Branch executive;
(b) Each Branch shall provide the Honorary Secretary with nominations for the Regional Representative at least three (3) months prior to the annual meeting;
(c) Each Branch shall provide an annual report on the activities of the Branch to the Regional Representative and to the Federation at least one (1) month prior to the annual meeting; and
(d) Financial statements of the Branch shall be forwarded to the Treasurer of the Federation, not less than thirty (30) days after the end of the fiscal year.
8.05 Duties of Federation
The Federation shall, biannually, provide each Branch with a list of its Members.
8.06 Termination
(a) Failure to comply with any of the filing requirements or other prescribed obligations shall constitute grounds for requiring a Branch to show cause to the Board why it should not be terminated as a Branch.
(b) Prior to terminating a Branch, the Board shall provide thirty (30) days notice of termination to the Branch and shall provide reasons for the proposed termination. The Branch may make written submissions to the President in response to the notice received within such thirty (30) day period. The Board will notify the Branch concerning its final decision within a further fourteen (14) days from the date of the decision.