Nomination form

The FMWC sponsors this annual award to recognize the FMWC medical student member showing the most potential in the realm of leadership. Particular interest is given to candidates who demonstrate leadership in support of the FMWC mission statement. The award will be given out to the successful nominee at the next FMWC Annual General Meeting & Educational Sessions.

A copy of the nominee’s CV must also be submitted to National Office at [email protected].

Both the nominee and the nominator are required to be current FMWC members. The deadline for nominations is January 26th.


  • Nominee's CV

    *** Please submit a copy of the nominee's CV. You may upload it here or (after you submit this form) send it via email to the National office at [email protected].
  • Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 128 MB.